#microformats 2015-08-27

2015-08-27 UTC
fuzzyhorns joined the channel
gordonb, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, fuzzyhorns, tantek, ivc\zz and joskar joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
ChiefRA, eschnou, pfefferle and tantek joined the channel
RT @kykyorg: Фото дня: съёмочная группа СТВ проводит уличный опрос. На шпаргалке предположительно – ответы: http://kyky.org/microformats/2015-08-26/photo http://t…
tantek joined the channel
See #1 here for an interesting take on microformats & web granularity: http://interconnected.org/home/2007/12/28/wrapping_up_2007
KevinMarks, kez, tantek, eschnou, pfefferle_ and pfefferle joined the channel
@queertypes I made the mistake of trying to strongly-type the web once with microformats2-types…
@queertypes also the real link rel registry in on the microformats wiki http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values && ppl experiment with new rels sometimes…
Atamido_ joined the channel
pfefferle, KevinMarks, uf-wiki-visitor, krijnhoetmer, kez, kez_, pfefferl_, tantek, glennjones, eschnou, TallTed, benborges, gordonb and gRegorLove joined the channel
this @csswizardry post on CSS namespaces is good, except that u- clashes with microformats2 for url. Use ut- ? http:///2015/03/more-transparent-ui-code-with-namespaces/
uf-wiki-visitor, glennjones, gordonb, benborges, eschnou, tjgillies__ and tantek joined the channel