#microformats 2015-09-01

2015-09-01 UTC
fuzzyhorns joined the channel
edited /microformats2-parsing-issues (-2) "/* implied properties on backcompat parsing unlikely to be intended */ remove extra linebreaks messing up styling"
(view diff)
gRegorLove joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
eschenal, tantek and kez joined the channel
Видео дня. Клип Brutto "Родны край": http://kyky.org/microformats/2015-09-01/video
pfefferle joined the channel
RT @kykyorg: Видео дня. Клип Brutto "Родны край": http://kyky.org/microformats/2015-09-01/video
eschenal and myfreeweb joined the channel
たまたま話題に出たのでマイクロフォーマットの資料 http://microformats.org/wiki/Main_Page
globbot joined the channel
kez, nitot, pfefferle, tantek and glennjones joined the channel
Bunker I ASK microformats ,tasks devil
RT @11_islim: Bunker I ASK microformats ,tasks devil
Loqi, !seen danbri
ChiefRA: tantek left you a message on 7/1 at 3:07pm: have you tried posting hListing test pages with all the properties in your latest hListing proposal and seeing which ones the Google Structured Data Testing Tool shows that it found?
ChiefRA: tantek left you a message on 7/1 at 3:07pm: I think that's the next step - post public URL examples of hListing markup with all the properties you want, that way we can all see what existing consuming code does with them.
ChiefRA: tantek left you a message on 7/1 at 3:11pm: I think your general overall plan is a good one. re: a) step up with 1.0 rock solid specs, b) implement on your sites, c) make sure those real life cases reach Google Technical Team.
ChiefRA: tantek left you a message on 7/1 at 4:16pm: to help push hListing along, I documented the Google support explicitly with a link to my earlier analysis that I did a while ago: http://microformats.org/wiki/hlisting#implementations
!tell tantek I just received the comments you left me to Loqi on 7/1. I already did that, that's why I'm trying to improve the format and reach a 1.0 milestone, as the other specs of the hListing are not understood, I belive that's why they stopped enhancing it in Google either.
Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
!tell danbri hi mate, drop me a line, I'd like to talk to you about https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg/issues/241 thanks.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
kez, fuzzyhorns and tantek joined the channel
nitot, fuzzyhorns, dariusdunlap, adactio and tantek joined the channel
Schade das sich Microformats anscheinend so gar nicht durchgesetzt haben.
there's an actual account called @dogfood?!?
tantek: ChiefRA left you a message 2 hours, 45 minutes ago: I just received the comments you left me to Loqi on 7/1. I already did that, that's why I'm trying to improve the format and reach a 1.0 milestone, as the other specs of the hListing are not understood, I belive that's why they stopped enhancing it in Google either.
glennjones, eschenal, gRegorLove and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
fuzzyhorns, elux, gRegorLove, eschenal and nitot joined the channel