#microformats 2015-10-02

2015-10-02 UTC
KartikPrabhu, tantek, fuzzyhorns, Soopaman, kez_, eschnou, kez, kylewm_, pfefferle and elf-pavlik joined the channel
だから、独自文法を組もうという話はあまりなくなり、記号それぞれに新しい意味を付け加えたりするものとして拡張をやっていく話になります たとえばmicroformatsに似せたHTMLを出力したいならそうしたら良いだろうし、そうじゃなければ簡単なタグを表示できるようにすればいい
KartikPrabhu, Soopaman, pfefferle, gRegorLove, joskar and gordonb joined the channel
dunno if anyone saw this in here, but the microdata api has been dropped from the html spec: https://github.com/whatwg/html/commit/2aaecb89900b875b9ee8357fa8bccf48477358bb
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
oh wow
I don't know what this means tho "It does not remove the Microdata attributes and model"
it means they dropped the JS API that browsers were supposed to expose for microdata
but left in the markup
oh gotcha
KartikPrabhu, ChanServ, TallTed, tantek, gordonb, eschnou and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
fuzzyhorns and tantek joined the channel
sometimes i really strongly believe that h-entry needs an explicit p-title property #microformats
Microformats are an opportunistic piggybacking. RDFa in HTML looks more like hopping in the back of an idling pickup truck.
@presidentjlh "exactly what jargon bingo card am I supposed to score^H^Hreview this paper with now?"
@zemoko : ça date… d'avant l'HTML5 :) où le microformat (+ hAtom) de date était un abbr avec title : http://microformats.org/wiki/datetime-design-pattern