#microformats 2015-10-04

2015-10-04 UTC
fuzzyhorns and nitot joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, nitot, fuzzyhorns, tantek and Soopaman joined the channel
has trouble typing 'microsoft' without autocompleting to 'microformats'
fuzzyhorns, nitot, Soopaman and AMGT-IT joined the channel
Hi good day,,,
may i know waht microformats is all about???
i saww 11 error from microformat, in my webmaster tool
nitot joined the channel
someone here
KartikPrabhu, Soopaman, eschnou, nitot, Soopaman1, elf-pavlik, Left_Turn and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
Microformats とか Scheme .org みたいなのの話になる
Soopaman, eschnou, nitot, fuzzyhorns, hober2, krijnhoetmer, joskar_, fuzzyhor_, termie_, edsu_, Erkan_Yilmaz, globbot and Soopaman1 joined the channel
@quominus just make their HTML not suck. maybe add some microformats/RDFa etc. IETF won't like that because it's not IETF tech.
KartikPrabhu, fuzzyhorns, Left_Turn, elf-pavlik, tantek and nitot joined the channel