#microformats 2015-10-18

2015-10-18 UTC
tantek, KartikPrabhu, fuzzyhorns, MeanderingCode, ben_thatmust, KartikPrabhu1, Zegnet, globbot, bret, reidab, elf-pavlik, uf-wiki-visitor, nitot and joskar joined the channel
Happy I figured out the wifi problem (I think) and my hReview/Markdown problem solved itself. Now for the server.
nitot, fuzzyhorns, kevinmarks, iwaim and MeanderingCode joined the channel
#StructuredData Markup #Validation and #Testing Tools http://www.seoskeptic.com/structured-data-markup-validation-testing-tools/ | #WebDev #WebDevelopment #Microformats
MeanderingCode, KartikPrabhu, fuzzyhorns, nitot and tantek joined the channel