#microformats 2015-10-27

2015-10-27 UTC
dezmin, gordonb and rawtext joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme: not sure what you mean
for someone who wants to discover h-feeds on a home page, if you just return the first top level h-* you may not get the h-feed
you won't on my page
i never said that
what I said was *if* there is only one top-level h-* object, then the top-level JSON object is the same object. otherwise, create the implicit top-level object and all h-* objects on the page are children of that
it does mean that if you want to have an h-feed on your page, there can't be any other top-level objects
is the simplified representation doing away with "rels"?
(becuase i think that is relevant to whether to always include a document level wrapper or not)
tantek, fuzzyhorns, reidab, nitot and nitot_ joined the channel
@Flocke Ähm, Klassen ≠ CSS. https://twitter.com/g16n/status/658926854460592128 Und bei microformats hat man durchaus semantische Klassen (wenn ich auch RDFa bevorzuge)
@g16n ja, Microformats als Hack transportiert Semantik über Klassen.
adactio joined the channel
@Flocke RDFa transportiert Semantik über typeof-/property-Attribute; microformats über class-Attribute. Und? Was soll daran ein ”žHack“ sein?
nitot joined the channel
aaronpk: that was more a response to tantek's off the cuff suggestion and my thinking down the line of "only return the main object on the page"
i guess it works to do an empty object, seems a bit silly but so long as it is only said to be a wrapper object, not the page, i'm okay with that
nitot, TallTed, elf-pavlik, Soopaman and rawtext joined the channel
pfefferle and rawtext joined the channel
kevin marks
edited /h-card-brainstorming (-21) "/* Pronouns */"
(view diff)
gRegorLove and nitot_ joined the channel
여러분이 애니를 보시고 http://www.haganai.me/hreview 여기에 짧게 감상평을 남겨주시면 카드리뷰로 제작됩니다!
KartikPrabhu, nitot, davidmead, tantek and fuzzyhorns joined the channel