nitot, gRegorLove, Calli and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
#CalliAnyone feel like educating me? I'm kind of curious about MF2 vs HTML microdata (HTMLMD) (By HTMLMD, I mean both itemscope/itemprop and rel w/ article-scoping for author, bookmark)
#CalliIn sites I look at I see HTMLMD in use, but not MF2 (I know that people here will have MF2 data in your pages, but more generally I don't see too much)
#CalliI understand that MF2 vs MF1 was to make parsing rules more general...
#CalliHi Kevin. Thanks for replying. I'll look at the link.
#kevinmarks(also the Schema folks seem to have deprecated microdata for JOSN-LD islands now)
#CalliThis is interesting. I'm really trying to get at the difference between the MF2 and HTML parsing/serialization (rather than the MF2 vs schema vocabulary differences)
#CalliWhat makes MF2 easier to publish than HTMLMD?
#kevinmarkslook at how less verbose it is in that example
#CalliKartikPrabhu: Thx. Will look at the parsing rules again. In terms of "new attributes", as far as I am concerned HTML5 is spec'd, released and the attributes exist, so they don't feel new. ;-)
#KartikPrabhue.g. <article class="h-entry">Title</article> gives same mf2 as <article class="h-entry><span class="p-name">Title</span></article>
#KartikPrabhuby "new" I mean for the pubisher to learn
#KartikPrabhuI really don't need to learn how itemprops/itemscope work to have "data" in my HTML
#CalliStill I feel compelled to give you my perspective as an outsider/newcomer: if I look at pages I'm interested in extracting data from, I see microdata some MF1, no MF2, and no RDFa. I see a draft HTML spec that describes parsing rules that match data that I see in pages I'm interested in. I also see JSON+LD.
#KartikPrabhuIf your goal is to parse specific pages then you'd have to parse whatever they provide
#CalliYeah. Which means I need microdata parsing and scoped-rel parsing.
#CalliSo I'm trying to understand what are the differences and why they exist?
#KartikPrabhuI have never looked at microdata parsing so can't tell if there is more to it than that
#CalliOh. I had another question about article vs h-entry
#CalliEver considered just replacing h-entry with <article>?
#aaronpkmost of the new usage of microformats2 has been in the social web space
#Calliaaronpk: yeah - that stuff is new to me and looks very cool
#KartikPrabhuCalli: mf2 does not assume that a given HTML tag corresponds to some microformat
#aaronpkCalli: one of the goals of mf2 is to not dictate which html elements people use, so the ability to use h-entry on things other than <article> is good, and also means smaller spec with fewer edge cases
#aaronpkthe guts of it hasn't changed in a long time. there are a couple things in the works right now but it's things like how to add things like language attributes