#microformats 2015-11-14

2015-11-14 UTC
fuzzyhorns, nitot, tantek, MeanderingCode, tantek_, KevinMarks, kmahan, ChiefRA, kmahan1, aaronpk_, danielfilho_, charl, xdbr, bret, elf-pavlik, iSRAELi, nitot_, eschnou, hober, kevinmarks_ and krendil joined the channel
twisted` joined the channel
eschnou and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
New #WPorgSupport > https://wordpress.org/support/topic/prolbems-with-microformats-hentry-author-updated-and-entry-title#post-7663036 > manuel38 on "[Theme: Hueman] Prolbems with microformats hentry, author, updated and entry-ti…
nitot, eschnou, fuzzyhorns, glennjones, benborges, tantek, KartikPrabhu1 and fuzzyhor_ joined the channel