#microformats 2015-11-28

2015-11-28 UTC
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If I follow
The Microformats-2 parsing spec for a property that is also a root, I find it hard not to produce both the value for the property *and* the structure for the item. But other parsers end up with only the structure for the item.
Seems like the spec is missing some wording about what to do in this case? Or I'm just not seeing where it is.
Spec says "add properties found to current microformat's properties: { } structure"
Then spec says "if that child element itself has a microformat ("h-*" or backcompat roots) and is a property element, add it into the array of values for that property"
And these seem to be separate steps in a sequence
So I end up with two values in an array: for example, the inner text when following the property parsing rules and the structure when following the item parsing rules
Calli_, davidized, nitot, tantek, fuzzyhorns, davidmead, gRegorLove, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks__ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel