#microformats 2015-12-15

2015-12-15 UTC
RT @ProjectPeachUK: Our #html5 framework now contains #seo, #microformats, proxy proof #websockets. We keep on improving your #webapp! #New…
tantek and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
いまこそ microformats の時代だ!
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[@marcosjsramos] @microformats what about having an option 'isSpoiler' boolean attribute in the #hReview schema? :)
@tommorris @moymadethis u-photo must be directly on the img/object element being used, unless URL is in plain text content. ^@t
edited /existing-rel-values (+4122) "/* HTML5 link type extensions */ +code-repository, code-license, content-repository, content-license"
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fuzzyhorns and tantek joined the channel
edited /last-modified-examples (+145) "/* Typo */"
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KartikPrabhu1 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
there is no link at all to the spec of those proposed rel values
adactio joined the channel
RT @GwendelaRoche: HReview© http://www.manpowergroup.fr/ revue en ligne sur transformations et solutions RH #megatrends@eclaireuro
RT @GwendelaRoche: HReview© http://www.manpowergroup.fr/ revue en ligne sur transformations et solutions RH #megatrends@eclaireuro
RT @GwendelaRoche: HReview© http://www.manpowergroup.fr/ revue en ligne sur transformations et solutions RH #megatrends@eclaireuro
RT @GwendelaRoche: HReview© http://www.manpowergroup.fr/ revue en ligne sur transformations et solutions RH #megatrends@eclaireuro
HReview© http://www.manpowergroup.fr/ revue en ligne sur transformations et solutions RH #megatrends@eclaireuro
glennjones, eschnou, tantek and nitot joined the channel
RT @GwendelaRoche: HReview© http://www.manpowergroup.fr/ revue en ligne sur transformations et solutions RH #megatrends@eclaireuro
TallTed and nitot joined the channel
fnordle, tantek, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, gRegorLove, glennjones_ and gordonb joined the channel
Feeling like a microformats ninja, well at least for ical.
edited /microformats2-parsing (-4) "fix issues link"
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edited /h-entry (+286) "add spec header like microformats2-parsing"
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gordonb, KevinMarks__ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel