#microformats 2015-12-27

2015-12-27 UTC
gRegorLove_, KevinMarks_, warehouse13, KevinMarks, tantek, gRegorLove, fuzzyhorns, edsu, KevinMarks__, MeanderingCode, elf-pavlik and nitot joined the channel
Loqi, nitot, gRegorLove, glennjones, gRegorLove_ and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
welcome glennjones !
hi tantek
glennjones: I lost track in the FF bug - are you writing that bit of URL shim, or waiting for Shane to do something?
I am going to writing a new URL shim, there are a couple approaches, so I am going to try each to test performance. Hope to do work in the next couple days in-between family events
glennjones and edsu joined the channel
thanks glennjones - yes I think that's the last bit we're waiting on to land the code
Shane and I are both hoping to get all the code landed by the end of the year!
I will try and get it done as quickly as I can, hopfully so you can land it by year end
nitot joined the channel
thanks much glennjones!
sorry it took so long to resolve everything else to uncover this
literally found it while writing one more test as requested by dietrich
The different sandboxed environments within Firefox do popup these API support issue sometimes, but we can fix it so it works which is the main thing
glennjones, nitot, KevinMarks and KartikPrabhu joined the channel