2015-12-29 UTC
omarhuanca joined the channel
# 00:04 omarhuanca I need a implement a microformat into project. the form is a dictionary: sentence and meaning.
# 00:05 KartikPrabhu microformats does not have a general sentence-meaning syntax, is there a specific example you have?
# 00:15 omarhuanca ok, current I use the tag: dl, dt, dd for stucture dictionary.
# 00:16 omarhuanca my project manager say: if you can add microformat about this then I search how add web semantic this, but It's unnecessary?
fuzzyhorns joined the channel
# 00:29 omarhuanca ok, what is your suggestion about this.
# 00:30 KartikPrabhu since there is no explicit microformat for this, I would use the HTML5 elements, but don't take my word for it
tantek joined the channel
# 00:37 KartikPrabhu tantek: use case for micorformats for definitions, see preceding logs
# 00:40 tantek yes for definitions, better to just use <dfn>
# 00:43 omarhuanca like this;<dfn> <dl> <dt></dt> <dd> </dd> <dl></dfn>
omarhuanca joined the channel
# 01:05 omarhuanca ok, one more question my colleague.
# 01:11 omarhuanca It's possible represent the translate with microformat
# 01:12 tantek you can link to translations with rel=alternate hreflang=otherlangcode
# 01:12 omarhuanca the karaoke is a list sentence hide, each setence show when the time equals
# 01:13 omarhuanca ok, colleague, you know a example about this
# 01:18 tantek ok I haven't heard or seen any arguments for why clearbox and prettyPhoto deserve their own rel values separate from lightbox
# 01:22 tantek edited /existing-rel-values () "(-1963) clearbox and prettyPhoto are redundant with existing lightbox. those libraries should be updated to support the existing value instead of introducing new values. we don't need library specific rels" (
view diff )
# 01:27 KartikPrabhu omarhuanca: translations can be markedup as tantek suggested. but there is no microformat that links that text to a particular timestamp
# 01:28 omarhuanca ok, maybe a similiar.
# 01:29 omarhuanca can be represent the all translation into microformat
# 01:31 omarhuanca I have a list: <ul> <li> sentence1 </li> <li> sentence2</li> ........</ul>
# 01:31 omarhuanca ok, thanks for your time.
# 01:32 tantek omarhuanca - if you can provide a URL to your example it may be easier to figure out
# 01:33 omarhuanca you need click two times on green button and wait end credits and show the sentence
# 01:34 omarhuanca I forget, click on player first
# 01:35 tantek microformats are more important for static content. if you are changing things a lot with javascript, then the markup might not matter as much.
# 01:36 omarhuanca ok, I understood
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KevinMarks, fuzzyhorns, TallTed, fnordle, Phae, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, tantek, netweb and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 20:18 kylewm Does h-review have a dt- property for when the thing was consumed/experienced?
# 20:18 kylewm trying to map h-review to Goodreads' "review[read_at]" proeprty
# 20:26 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: when the book (the thing being reviewed) was read
# 20:27 kylewm thinking about using this with micropub so an embedded h-event is ... difficult
# 20:59 tantek kylewm: I think you're talking about when you experienced the thing that you're reviewing
# 20:59 tantek this might be one of the best use-cases yet for separate "read" "listened" posts
# 21:00 tantek there's the experiencing/doing of the thing, and then there's the review of the thing
# 21:00 tantek or rather the review of the specific experiencing/doing of the thing
# 21:00 tantek where the latter is the h-review that links to the previous
fuzzyhorns, KevinMarks, tantek and KevinMarks_ joined the channel