#microformats 2016-01-04

2016-01-04 UTC
KartikPrabhu, tantek and KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
KevinMarks, glennjones and adactio joined the channel
@hishaman Hi Hesham, your Author hReview site appears to be down. Is there another way to access an account?
TallTed, glennjones, tantek, elf-pavlik, fnordle and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /jf2 (+141) "resort sections, make implementations more discoverable, parsers, consuming code"
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KartikPrabhu joined the channel
edited /jf2 (-48) "/* Basic Example */ type:image has been dropped for simpler format"
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edited /jf2 (+19) "/* webmention.herokuapp.com */ author was missing type:card"
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edited /jf2 (-19) "Undo revision 65369 by [[Special:Contributions/Benthatmustbeme|Benthatmustbeme]] ([[User talk:Benthatmustbeme|Talk]]) nevermind, this is actually a bug in webmention.io, misunderstanding there."
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tantek joined the channel