#microformats 2016-01-08

2016-01-08 UTC
gRegorLove joined the channel
"The markup is relatively convoluted, but the data model is rich"
edited /existing-rel-values (+212) "Add link rel type "import""
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KartikPrabhu and globbot joined the channel
edited /h-card (+2) "/* Properties */ Delinked the obsoleted RFC and linked in three places to a now-valid RFC."
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Author Hreview Review -- Increase Search Traffic With Eye Catching SERPS #DigitalMarketing https://www.youtube.com/
tantek joined the channel
RT AdvanceDotTo Author Hreview Review -- Increase Search Traffic With Eye Catching SERPS #DigitalMarketing https://www.youtube.com/
RT @AdvanceDotTo: Author Hreview Review -- Increase Search Traffic With Eye Catching SERPS #DigitalMarketing https://www.youtube.com/
gordonb, tantek, nitot, reidab, Calli, nitot_, adactio and TallTed joined the channel
1) Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) "CreativeWork" card with 10k max length and editor that includes support for @microformats
3) A bot that creates a tweet w/ optional AMP response from a query using AMP metadata and @microformats against one or more AMP cards
tantek, gRegorLove, fnordle, KartikPrabhu, MacTed, Loqi and KevinMarks joined the channel
edited /microformats2 (+210) "explain that property <=> prefix mapping isn't part of the spec"
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edited /testimonials (+224) "from KartikPrabhu"
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edited /microformats2 (+50) "/* microformats2 design */ move property/prefix detail to end of subsection, as note, typical vs what you can do"
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