#microformats 2016-01-13

2016-01-13 UTC
tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Anyone know why the unicode iconography at indiewebcamp.com/principles won't render for me? I'm 3/12 and this isn't a problem I usually face on modern sites. Iceweasel (Firefox) on Debian.
fnordle: you might want to ask on the #indiewebcamp channel
yeah that makes sense. thanks
fnordle, tantek and uf-wiki-visitor joined the channel
<iframe src="http://webchat.freenode.net?randomnick=1&channels=kald05016@gmail.com%20&prompt=1" width="647" height="400"></iframe>
yo dawg i heard you liked webchat?
nitot, angelo_ and AngeloGladding joined the channel
New #WPorgSupport > https://wordpress.org/support/topic/no-support-for-his-premium-plugin#post-7880793 > xxtIyxCY on "[Plugin: Author hReview] No support for his premium plugin"
adactio, adactio_ and tantek joined the channel
tommorris: tantek left you a message on 11/24 at 5:39pm: please see new microformats2 parsing issue and propose resolution - we have a decent consensus, lacking objections I'm going to edit the spec accordingly in the next few days http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues#uf2_children_on_backcompat_properties
adactio, TallTed, Erkan_Yilmaz and tantek joined the channel
tommorris: crud looks like there's a chicken/egg problem with loading mf2py.VERSION and installing dependencies
adactio joined the channel
tommorris: OK I think I have a solution, but Travis CI is running way behind
gRegorLove, adactio, bret, danielfilho, JonathanNeal, Phae, benward_, Garbee, voxpelli, tommorris, twisted` and hober2 joined the channel
I hate microformats… Except schema… Schema is cool.
tantek and termie joined the channel