#microformats 2016-01-16

2016-01-16 UTC
tantek joined the channel
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (+87) "/* new and uncategorized examples */"
(view diff)
tantek and nitot joined the channel
VAULT | 4Jan14: Where is the best place to learn about microformats? Q&A: http://dumbseoquestions.com/q/where_is_the_best_place_to_learn_about_microformats #DSQLive #SEO
https://t.co/lK6dmDbWoj: VAULT | 4Jan14: Where is the best place to learn about microformats? Q&A: … https://sites.google.com/site/cpuusage100/
krijnhoetmer joined the channel
@levelsio microformats were a nice idea which didn't get much adoption: http://microformats.org/wiki/hmedia #metadata
AngeloGladding, gRegorLove, tantek and KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel