#microformats 2016-02-27

2016-02-27 UTC
fuzzyhorns, JohnBeales, tantek, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, dogada, KevinMarks, misa_, uf-wiki-visitor and misa__ joined the channel
/msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER misa__ lpdzbswiukpa
misa__ it's time to change your password, since your nickserv command was posted in public
netweb, fuzzyhorns and Chordachi joined the channel
fuzzyhorns joined the channel
edited /existing-rel-values (+300) "/* HTML5 link type extensions */"
(view diff)
edited /existing-rel-values (-300) "/* HTML5 link type extensions */"
(view diff)
fuzzyhorns, tantek, fuzzyhor_, misa__ and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
@Malarkey Finished reading microformats2 and WAI-ARIA roles from Hardboiled Web Design. Looking forward to the fun part - CSS.
Chordachi, tantek, fuzzyhorns, ben_thatmustbeme, Loqi, rhiaro, globbot, ivc_, reidab, hober2, JonathanNeal, edsu, Zegnat, MeanderingCode, kylewm, aaronpk, bret and misa__ joined the channel