#microformats 2016-03-09

2016-03-09 UTC
nitot, tantek, KartikPrabhu and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
fuzzyhorns, tantek, KartikPrabhu, dogada, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu1, adactio, Garbee and TallTed joined the channel
Our #html5 framework now contains #seo, #microformats, proxy proof #websockets. We keep on improving your #webapp! #DevOps #WebApp
RT @ProjectPeachUK Our #html5 framework now contains #seo, #microformats, proxy proof #websockets. We keep on improving your #webapp! #DevOps #WebApp
fuzzyhorns, tantek, emmak and gRegorLove joined the channel
The BBC, microformats, RDFa and Resig: The BBC have recently opted to remove hCalendar microformats from their... http://www.topix.com/tech/semantic-web/2016/03/the-bbc-microformats-rdfa-and-resig?fromrss=1
wow ^^^ a repost of something from 2008 that is long obsolete?
iwaim___, fuzzyhorns, iwaim and adactio joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, fuzzyhorns and tantek joined the channel
@rickasaurus indeed. Wasn't that why microformats were made up in the first place? Improve life by not having to parse xml.
Chordachi, fuzzyhorns and clevodearia joined the channel