#microformats 2016-03-16

2016-03-16 UTC
tantek, KevinMarks, emmak_, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, dogada, nitot and netweb joined the channel
Left_Turn, Garbee, tantek, reidab, ben_thatmustbeme and Chordachi joined the channel
Left_Turn and gRegorLove joined the channel
A) microformats, B) microdata, C) both, or D) neither
@steveplunkett @bill_slawski haha kind of like you see a local painters "about us" page marked up with 63 5 star hreview schema?
emmak and tantek joined the channel
Garbee, Left_Turn, warehouse13, tantek, Chordachi, KartikPrabhu and emmak joined the channel