#microformats 2016-04-13

2016-04-13 UTC
miklb joined the channel
RT @command_tab @fraserspeirs hCalendar, I believe. I looked into into it once when Fandango sent me a reservation. http://microformats.org/wiki/hcalendar
@fraserspeirs hCalendar, I believe. I looked into into it once when Fandango sent me a reservation. http://microformats.org/wiki/hcalendar
RT @ProjectPeachUK Our #html5 framework now contains #seo, #microformats, proxy proof #websockets. We keep on improving your #webapp! #Entrepreneur #SEO
Our #html5 framework now contains #seo, #microformats, proxy proof #websockets. We keep on improving your #webapp! #Entrepreneur #SEO
Après les microformats, l'open data... avec la récupération des résumés sur Wikipédia pour les principaux éditeurs et auteurs #doucement
今度のテーマでは microformats はやめようと思うけど、今構造化データ入れるなら microdata より json-ld なんかな
@hukl oi - have fun! I had a lot when rewriting my website :) I even wrote a microformats2 parser
@robinberjon @jaffathecake To most of the world who doesn't know their history, things like XHR, Dates, microformats, X*L seem LSD inspired
@levelsio to rank thin content (like this one) use microformats
[@chromatic_x] @genehack @perigrin Cloudflare misinterpreted the JSON microformat and ate the closing script tag.
tantek: people call many things as microformats so...
for instance one of the tweets right above that says "opengraph microformats"
elux joined the channel
apparently we picked a good name?
or at least one that really stuck with people?
more like people (and language in general) does not care for rigorous nomenclature
KartikPrabhu: except some names do better than others
like why microformats is said more than (instead of?) microcontent, microdata, RDFa, JSONLD etc.
(pretty sure the above example of JSON microformat means some form of JSON data island in HTML - possibly even JSONLD)
possibly, but that also means that people get confused between real microformats and all the other stuff
sure, but that's ok because when they go to web search for "microformats" it leads them to the right place
so all the errant references to microformats are merely doing free marketing for actual microformats
I think they call that "brand awareness"
it does go both ways. "Schema microformats is shit" gives a bad reputation to actual microformats too
I didn't see that - was that in the tweets above?
or "no one uses microformats" when they mean microdata
no, I am giving a example
anyway, people using words wrongly is not a useful thing to discuss ;)
a theoretical example sure, which is outweighed by the actual examples above
if you're trying to make an argument, evidence tends to trump the sides that seem otherwise equal
davidmead, laughinghan, miklb, gRegorLove, tantek, globbot, KevinMarks, emmak_, Zegnet, bear_, sagerdearia, kylewm, nitot_, ivc, aaronpk and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
Is there a way of finding out the percentage or food recipes marked up using #microformats / #richsnippets?
@BenBajarin making folks speak like machines isn't the aims? Between microformats, wiki-text, etc., one would think companies only see tools
ben_thatmust, bear, KevinMarks, gRegorLove, Erkan_Yilmaz, tantek, hober, emmak, KartikPrabhu, laughinghan, gRegorLove_, KevinMarks_, aaronpk, emmak_, iwaim_, edsu, Garbee, nitot, globbot, Vendan and sagerdearia joined the channel
nitot_, tantek, Zegnat, laughinghan and sagerdearia joined the channel