#microformats 2016-04-17

2016-04-17 UTC
danielfilho_, danielfilho, Garbee, pgicxplzs and laughinghan joined the channel
♨Digged: HTML 5.1 Incremental Preview: Tabs, XSS, Tables, and Microformats | https://dzone.com/articles/html-51-incremental-preview #HTML5
#HTML5.1 Incremental Preview: #Tabs, #XSS, #Tables, and #Microformats https://dzone.com/articles/html-51-incremental-preview
danielfilho joined the channel
Out of the blue I asked myself if there was an recipe XML format... Turns out there are several competing formats: http://microformats.org/wiki/recipe-formats
KevinMarks joined the channel
RT @VeryTallGirl Out of the blue I asked myself if there was an recipe XML format... Turns out there are several competing formats: http://microformats.org/wiki/recipe-formats
laughinghan, JonathanNeal_, Phae, aaronpk_, barnabywalters, myfreeweb, tantek and Vendan joined the channel
barnabywalters, kylewm, globbot and pgicxplzs joined the channel
edited /microformats2-parsing (+10) "explicitly note to parse area elements for rel values, intent/agreement include area since 2013 [[microformats2-parsing-issues#Parsing_properties_from_rel_attributes]]"
(view diff)
Zegnat and barnabywalters joined the channel
Zegnet, barnabywalters, kylewm and globbot joined the channel
HTML 5.1 Incremental Preview: Tabs, XSS, Tables, and Microformats - DZone Web Dev - https://dzone.com/articles/html-51-incremental-preview
tantek, kylewm, sagerdearia, clevodearia and globbot joined the channel
#HTML5.1 Incremental Preview: Tabs, #XSS, Tables, and #Microformats - DZone Web Dev https://dzone.com/articles/html-51-incremental-preview