#microformats 2016-05-02

2016-05-02 UTC
KartikPrabhu1 and tantek joined the channel
HTML 5.1 Incremental Preview: Tabs, XSS, Tables, and Microformats https://www.linkedin.com/slink?code=eVp3-Cn
sagerdearia, laughinghan, twisted`, tantek, gRegorLove and miklb joined the channel
edited /hcard-advocacy-fr () "(-9562) Replacing page with 'Welcome to the web Agent Online, We are agents online gambling who have years of experience in serving bettors Online (Ball Betting, Poker, Togel,Casino and agile)- SPECIAL PR...'"
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KartikPrabhu and dogada joined the channel
RT @AllTheTwits reflects that #microformats has been quiet of late.
Not even for #LinkedData/#SemanticWeb conferences. See any microformats on the @ISWC2016 pages, for instance? https://twitter.com/BecomingDataSci/status/726831603909976065
Garbee joined the channel
TallTed, Chordachi, tantek, nitot_, twisted`_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Can't believe what he's reading - Microformats vs RSS. Has the world gone mad?
sagerdearia joined the channel
laughinghan, gRegorLove, dogada, tantek, miklb and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
!tell kylewm, tommorris heads-up, since glennjones and adactio (as well as aaronpk and myself) will be at IWC Düsseldorf this weekend, I may take that opportunity to come to consensus resolutions on all outstanding mf2 parsing issues. Please add your opinions to http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues ASAP!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
JonathanNeal_, tommorris_ and bret_ joined the channel
edited /h-entry (+54) "/* Draft Properties */ p-rsvp Case-insensitive values, normalized to lowercase"
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tantek and gRegorLove joined the channel
@ggete Et aussi, juste pour avoir une idée, est-ce que les «microformats» https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microformat sont beaucoup utilisés”¯?
sagerdearia joined the channel