#microformats 2016-05-04

2016-05-04 UTC
sagerdearia joined the channel
Dev version available for Drupal 8 module microformats (8.x-1.x-dev). Release notes on https://www.drupal.org/node/2718443 #drupal8 #dev
gRegorLove, dogada, KartikPrabhu and iwaim joined the channel
Microformats (8.x-1.x-dev) released https://www.drupal.org/node/2718443 ! #microformats #d8module #d8dev #Drupal8
cleans-up XSLT to extract hReview for GRDDL primer
miklb joined the channel
RT @ProjectPeachUK We've #played with #microformats. Love the #idea of #marking up our #business data to #machines as well as #humans! #JavaScript #JS
We've #played with #microformats. Love the #idea of #marking up our #business data to #machines as well as #humans! #JavaScript #JS
RT @ProjectPeachUK We've #played with #microformats. Love the #idea of #marking up our #business data to #machines as well as #humans! #JavaScript #JS
adactio, nitot_ and nitot joined the channel
@stephenhay with the exception of microformats, there’s no such thing as semantic CSS. ‘Semantic’ means something different to everyone.
sknebel, dogada, tantek, KevinMarks, adactio and gRegorLove joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, tantek and KevinMarks joined the channel
microformats2 (2.0.2): Parses HTML for microformats and return a collection of dynamically defined Ruby objects https://rubygems.org/gems/microformats2
interesting. I wonder who picked it up again?
For h-feed language parrsing, does this sound correct: If the x.h-entry has a lang attribute, use that; otherwise use the <html> lang attribute
gRegorLove: can you rephrase that in a way which is independent of the type of h-* ?
Sorry, context is feed parsing
but you are asking a generic question, how to determine the lang of an h-*
would rather avoid an h-specific based rules/heuristics for a generic attribute of any h-*
Well, ok, but it's still specific to h-feed and h-entry. I overlooked h-feed in my question, too. I suppose the x.h-feed element could have a lang attribute.
For h-*, if the element has a lang attribute, use that; if no lang attribute and it's h-entry, check for a lang attribute on a parent h-feed; otherwise use the <html> lang attribute
gRegorLove: why specific? why not generic parent/child?
HTML already has an algorithm for determining the "language" of an element based on the lang attribute (and other things like HTTP headers)
so you probably want to specify in terms of that
rather than making up some adhoc subset of it
I don't know? I'm not sure the terms you're wanting me to use
HTML spec says what the "language" of an element is
better to reference that instead of making up you're own heuristic approximation
That's what I'm wanting to understand. When I'm parsing an HTML feed how do I determine the language of each h-entry.
the h-entry is from a specific element in the HTML
see the HTML spec algorithm for how to determine the language of an element
miklb joined the channel
unfortunately the mf2 parser doesn't preserve that attribute so it makes it hard to connect the lang attribute to an h-entry in the parsed result
Yeah. picoFeed has a copy of the HTML in a DOMDocument so I should be able to parse it without too much difficulty.
I wasn't trying to make up an approximation, just confirm my understanding of the process. Guess I'll read more.
KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel