#microformats 2016-05-08

2016-05-08 UTC
danielfilho, KartikPrabhu, Left_Turn and tantek joined the channel
edited /microformats2-parsing-issues (+262) "/* parsing a dt- property */ clarify when use " " separator for sure vs maybe instead of T"
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edited /microformats2-parsing-issues (+64) "/* img fallback in p- */ clarify proposal, +1"
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edited /microformats2-parsing-issues (+112) "/* de-dupe URLs? */ no de-dupe in mf2 json, jf2 can do what it prefers"
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!tell tommorris good morning. if you're awake, please take a look at open issues on http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues — we're going to attempt to resolve them all at IWC Düsseldorf this morning
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
edited /microformats2-parsing-issues (+89) "/* parsing a dt- property */ see related specific issue"
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tantek joined the channel
Is anyone running an h-card parser that also handles phone numbers? I would like to know if it can handle my u-tel (instead of p-tel)
tantek joined the channel
Strict Art http://microformats.org/wiki/be-strict-fr En ouvrant quelques onglets de recherche sur la loi de Postel, celui-ci est fort sympathique
tjgillies__, adactio, dogada, laughinghan and anarx joined the channel
hi all - I am new to XHTML / microformats . As I understood it's a good thing using microformats e.g. for google
so: I got an iCalendar file -> .ics . does this have anything to do with microformats or are microformats just special named classes ?
laughinghan, KartikPrabhu, JohnBeales and tantek joined the channel
Ma.gnolia also supports lightweight microformats. Beat that, suckah!
JohnBeales joined the channel