#microformats 2016-05-28

2016-05-28 UTC
=== Programatically extracted: full stack === Microformats are a way of adding simple markup to human-readable... https://www.facebook.com/avtm1960/posts/1571458099818902
laughinghan, gRegorLove, uf-wiki-visitor and rhiaro joined the channel
globbot, dogada, tantek and Garbee joined the channel
Our #html5 framework now contains #seo, #microformats, proxy proof #websockets. We keep on improving your #webapp! #marketing #dublin
edited /rsvp-examples (+2023) "/* Facebook */ 2016 RSVP buttons update, private vs public events have different RSVP buttons"
(view diff)
sagerdearia and tantek joined the channel
Garbee and sagerdearia joined the channel