#microformats 2016-07-26

2016-07-26 UTC
nitot, KevinMarks_, sagerdearia, adactio, Garbee, M-RyanRix, ChrisAldrich and KevinMarks joined the channel
24 tech experts weigh in on what exactly a ‘decentralized web’ means - TechCrunch #standards #microformats https://apple.news/AUWOroXuXQrabilksb0NBIQ
tantek, sagerdearia, ChrisAldrich, nitot, KartikPrabhu, Garbee, aaronpk, Zegnat, gRegorLove, miklb, KevinMarks and AngeloGladding joined the channel
@hishaman Author hReview is no longer showing the review stars (schema markup) in Google search. Any chance you could help us out?
ChrisAldrich, miklb and tantek joined the channel
ChrisAldrich, nitot, miklb and KevinMarks_ joined the channel