#microformats 2016-08-10

2016-08-10 UTC
KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
VAULT | 4Jan14: Where is the best place to learn about microformats? Q&A: http://dumbseoquestions.com/q/where_is_the_best_place_to_learn_about_microformats #DSQLive #SEO
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, AngeloGladding and adactio joined the channel
Microformats: Empowering Your Markup for Web 2.0 by John Allsopp http://adf.ly/1aFd6x
Исправить ошибкиСтруктурированные данные > hentry (разметка: http://microformats.org) Дата: 09... https://freelancehunt.com/p/150426 #freelancehunt
M-RyanRix joined the channel
Microformats: Empowering Your Markup for Web 2.0 by John Allsopp http://adf.ly/1aFd6x
adactio_, adactio, sagerdearia, AngeloGladding, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and iwaim__ joined the channel