#uf-wiki-visitorToday the geo format is incorrectly implemented, so I was thinking to go to h-geo directly. But should it be desactivated for astronomical objec
#tantek(typically h-geo lat/long assumes WGS84 which is Earth-specific, yet by gathering research of publishing examples like you refer to, we can analyze them and help figure out what to do)
#tantekis there a general name for planets + moons? like planetary bodies or something?
#tantekthere was some earlier work on mars and moon coordinates but it's probably better to generalize that to any planetary body, maybe brainstorm something minimal based on whatever scheme that http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/ site is using
AngeloGladding joined the channel
#tantekprobably worth doing some NASA research to also figure out how they map features on other planetary bodies
#uf-wiki-visitorI'm not a specialist, just try to improve the program rendering the coordinates on French Wikipedia. Data usally comes from NASA or other reference observatory.
#tantekit's likely going to work for all languages of Wikipedia right?
#tantekI'm assuming such coordinates are language independent :)
#uf-wiki-visitorThe numbres are language independent, but symbols N, S, E, W depend of language. But this is not a problem for h-geo, as it does not include symbols.
#uf-wiki-visitorEach language on Wikipedia is rather independent, and the template use on French Wikipedia is specific to French Wikipedia. English Wikipedia have a correct implementation of geo format.
#uf-wiki-visitorOf course smaller Wikipedia's language often copy templates from bigger ones, mostly English, sometimes French or German...
#uf-wiki-visitorNearly all contributors are volonteers, so it's sometimes not as stuctured as one's hope.