#microformats 2016-08-31

2016-08-31 UTC
KevinMarks, AngeloGladding, KevinMarks_, M-RyanRix, miklb and twisted` joined the channel
@methode Q, Does Google Structured Testing Tool identify issues for Microformats? I somewhat don't think it does.
adactio, AngeloGladding, KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks joined the channel
@WPUltimRecipe Got an email from a client who says you told her it's a "either or" of microformats OR JSON which doesn't match our convo.
@WPUltimRecipe Or maybe it's my misunderstanding. Do Rich Pins require the ENTIRE recipe in microformats? If so, "either or" is correct.
tantek, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks and AngeloGladding joined the channel