#microformats 2016-09-13

2016-09-13 UTC
sagerdearia joined the channel
Q: Good practice used to be to separate markup from content; Don't #microformats combine them again? A: It's a compromise
Audience comment: #Microformats reminds me of #SGML (vigorous nodding everywhere)
uh oh! ^^
what is SGML?
sagerdearia and tantek joined the channel
@kwlug no, the microformats are classes, so markup. They use the content already on the page, rather than repeating it elsewhere.
KevinMarks_, AngeloGladding, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, MeanderingCode and nitot joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, sagerdearia, bear, miklb, tantek, nitot, webchat81, KevinMarks__, hober, AngeloGladding, ChanServ, Zegnat, tommorris, edsu, iwaim__, Phae, JonathanNeal, sknebel, monokrome, Erkan_Yilmaz, ben_thatmustbeme, reidab, termie, M-RyanRix, ivc, aaronpk, Garbee, bret, voxpelli, twisted` and gRegorLove joined the channel
Anyone use microformats for SEO?
tantek joined the channel