#microformats 2016-09-27

2016-09-27 UTC
KevinMarks_, AngeloGladding, gRegorLove, KevinMarks and sagerdearia joined the channel
adactio, TallTed, nitot, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, KartikPrabhu1, AngeloGl1, bear, sagerdearia, AngeloGladding, iwaim_, MeanderingCode, ben_thatmustbeme, monokrome, iwaim__, ben_thatmust, bret, Loqi__, MeanderingCode_, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove_, Loqi and Loqi_ joined the channel
gRegorLove_, iwaim____, AngeloGl1, bret, iwaim_____, ben_thatmust, Loqi, Loqi_, ivc, monokrome, Zegnat, KartikPrabhu and tommorris joined the channel
wondering if having microformats is enough of a progressive enhancement or do I need to add more to my @10kapart entry. Plus, no space left.
nitot and M-RyanRix joined the channel