#tantekthe larger challenge is that even the terms like "area" and "place" are so heavily overloaded as to potentially be indistinguishable, and mean different things to different people
#tantekby "just an area" do you mean a literal area? like a polygon?
#jonnybarnesgRegorLove: thats what I’m thinking of doing
#jonnybarnesadd the co-ords in data tags for machine reading
#jonnybarnesthen giving a name for humans derived from a reverse-geo lookup
#gRegorLoveYou could potentially put the human-readable name in the one data tag and leave the other empty, though maybe that's considered a bad practice
#tantekjonnybarnes, interesting wasy of phrasing the question "doesn’t warrent an h-card" - implying there's a hierarchy (or ordering) of different microformats, from simpler to more extensive
#tantekjonnybarnes: fundamentally the "how should it be marked up" question requires a real world example of the location information in plain user visible text, in context, to help determine what a good (least intrusive) method of marking it up would be
#tantekreasoning by abstract example is a poor substitute for that, and often results in abstract markup that works ok in isolation but not in context of real world content / pages
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#tantekjonnybarnes, so let's start with, what location information are you displaying on your page? (on what page?)
#jonnybarnesokay, my notes that aren’t checkins but have geo-data simple end with “in {town/city}, {country}”
#tantek(aside: gRegorLove that h-geo FAQ likely needs updating with the nuances I just pointed out above about context / real world example driven design)
#tantekjonnybarnes - a plain text location (named or otherwise) may seem "abstract" to the average reader - they may have no way to relate to it unles they're already familiar with the city/state/country
#tantekas you said / implied, if an h-adr is sufficient that's likely the way to go
#tantekthe reason I asked about the display is that when you show a map, you're essentially showing a visual representation of the lat long
#tantekand could even use <object> that way to show the interactive map, with fallback plain text coordinates inside, marked up with microformats properties
#tantekis it an explicit design decision to not add a map of a city/state/country by itself? e.g. coarser? or just an accident of order of implementation?
#jonnybarnesexplicit, for a map I can center it to a specific point, Salford has 220,000 residents, where do I center the map?
#jonnybarnesa venue has a specific location to center to
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#tantekjonnybarnes - if you zoom out far enough, a city looks like a point as well