#microformats 2016-11-01
2016-11-01 UTC
sagerdearia, ivc, rodolfojcj_, KevinMarks, tantek, chrisaldrich_, ChrisAldrich, KevinMarks_ and chrisaldrich1 joined the channel
# @briansuda Thank you for still interesting in Microformats! M. changed... where should I start now? Your talk inspires to learn more :) ( twitter.com/_/status/793388433221779456)
# @anderewse have a look at http://microformats.org the wiki there has the most up-to-date formats and examples. There are a few books too. ( twitter.com/_/status/793390854316683264)
M-RyanRix, rodolfojcj_, KartikPrabhu, tantek, ivc, chrisaldrich1, ChrisAldrich, chrisaldrich_, sknebel, KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu1, gRegorLove and Satcom_tek joined the channel