#microformats 2017-01-13
2017-01-13 UTC
gRegorLove joined the channel
# KevinMarks_ !tell gregorlove if you put the mf1 and mf2 classes on the same element, I don't think it duplicates properties
# gRegorLove Correct, but there's examples where mf2 is nested in a separate element.
# gRegorLove Thinking at this point it should be left as is, to be fixed by the publisher
# KevinMarks_ Have we documented best practice on mixing mf1 and mf2?
# gRegorLove "Don't"? jk
# gRegorLove This is one of the resolved issues that led me down this path, btw: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues#uf2_children_inside_a_classic_microformats_root_class_name
# gRegorLove I'm more read-up on the parsing spec than best practices for authoring.
# KevinMarks_ The way the python code describes backcompat substitutions is useful. I have (ab)used it to parse other legacy markup
# KartikPrabhu i think mf2py is using the documented practices
# tantek kevinmarks: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2#backward_compatible is the documented best practice on mixing mf1 and mf2
# KevinMarks_ Right, "use them on the same element"
nitot, KevinMarks, tantek, KevinMarks_, ben_thatmustbeme, tommorris, Loqi, bret, adactio, nitot_, gRegorLove, sebsel and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# voxpelli sebsel: same here, but I add a lang="" on my date-container as well: https://voxpelli.com/2015/09/oberoende-sociala-webben-2015/
tantek joined the channel
# sebsel voxpelli even did it another way now, but it's on there! http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-brainstorming#Parse_language_information
# gRegorLove experimental language parsing is in php-mf2 master branch now, btw. Not in a release yet.
# gRegorLove No, but there's unit tests