#microformats 2017-06-07

2017-06-07 UTC
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
hentry (マークアップ: http://microformats.org) 構造化データエラー が出たときの対処方法 http://column.noith.com/hentry-error/
nitot, tantek, pfefferle, [kevinmarks], [colinwalker], [sebsel], adactio and Garbee joined the channel
The Meaning of @Microformats Poll Series - Q: What's your favorite Microformat? 2/2 - Add More Meaning to Your Markup! #ai #html #opendata
The Meaning of @Microformats Poll Series - Q: What's your favorite Microformat? 1/2
lol wat
seems like they just saw a lot of response to their last poll so just trying to follow their audience .... and not doing so well yet
@statictimes @microformats Personal favourite, other: h-card. Structured contact data in HTML. As far as usage goes… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/872481414918418433
gRegorLove, [eddie], tantek, [miklb], [chrisaldrich], [cleverdevil], pfefferl_, KartikPrabhu and mpfefferle joined the channel