Loqitantek: gRegorLove left you a message 4 hours, 2 minutes ago: Revised draft: https://gregorlove.com/2017/06/draft-when-i-first-discovered/ Let me know if I captured your suggestions well. I wasn't sure about "php-mf2 is a stable library..." in the middle so tried moving to the end and tweaked the text a bit to encourage devs to use php-mf2.
LoqigRegorLove: tantek left you a message 14 hours, 12 minutes ago: that looks great! go ahead and manually POSSE it by creating the post in the microformats.org posting UI
tantekgot any special insights or personal experience with microformats (e.g. in use on your own site) to share in a small post for microformats.org 12th bday?
hal9, tantek, nitot, [miklb], [chrisaldrich], [kevinmarks], [markmhendrickso, [colinwalker] and davidmead joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]tantek, I'm not sure about insights, but want to write something. It'll have to be a belated set of birthday wishes given the things going on for me this week.
[miklb], davidmead, nitot, [cleverdevil], [jeanmacdonald] and tantek joined the channel