KartikPrabhu, [colinwalker], barpthewire, tantek and snarfed joined the channel
#snarfedhi all! i'm using mf2. i'm trying to get the alt text from an img.u-photo, but it seems like alt isn't guaranteed to make it into parsed mf2. it only shows up in the outer object's name property as a fallback, if there's no p-name. is that right?
#gRegorLoveThat's a bit different than aaronpk's brainstorm (which I think is a good idea)
#KartikPrabhuhow does a comsumer know if some property is supposed to be an image and hence look for the parsed "alt"?
#KartikPrabhumf2 does not tell you where a particular property came from
#gRegorLoveCertain properties like "photo" are usually a URL. Consumers can check if it's a object (similar to e-content) and if so use it's "value" or "alt" as needed