#microformats 2017-07-14

2017-07-14 UTC
[chrisaldrich], [dylanon], [cleverdevil], [miklb], davidmead and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
@hvdsomp "shortlink" and "syndication" are already in the rel directory, Micropub didn't make those up: http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values
[miklb], [dylanon], [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu, tantek and [eddie] joined the channel
edited /h-entry (+4) "/* Example */ closing </p>"
(view diff)
tantek, gRegorLove and barpthewire joined the channel
edited /phone-number (+34) "/* lookup services */"
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edited /mobile (+34)
(view diff)
Spam being inserted ^^^ (I'm on mobile so can't revert atm)
[pfefferle], barpthewire, [miklb], [davidmead] and [eddie] joined the channel
Holy microformats! #microformats
tantek, [chrisaldrich], gRegorLove, [dylanon], globbot, [eddie], [jeremycherfas], KartikPrabhu and nitot joined the channel
@hvdsomp Link relations in both the W3C and WHATWG HTML specs specify the Microformats rel registry as authoritative ...
[barryf], nitot, KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], [miklb], [chrisaldrich], tantek, ben_thatmustbeme, davidmead, cheim and [dylanon] joined the channel