2017-09-12 UTC
[kevinmarks], rodolfojcj, tantek and vivus joined the channel
# 05:45 vivus Zegnat: what OS do you use?
barpthewire joined the channel
[pfefferle] and nitot joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
# 08:39 vivus Zegnat: I re-cloned the repo, did not make any modifications to the code, except for the sharing.js you did. The result I got was: no tidy :(No hCards found
# 09:07 Zegnat Yeah, there is no installation guide for h2vx. It requires HTML Tidy available to PHP.
# 09:09 Zegnat I have some projects where I modify HTML through DOMDocument and run it through Tidy, so I already had that set-up
nitot and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 09:29 vivus HTML Tidy? Zegnat
# 09:34 vivus Zegnat: finally, it works!
# 09:34 vivus I was missing tidy
# 09:40 Zegnat Yeah, Tidy is a PHP extension. But I guess you figured that out :)
# 10:29 vivus took a while to get it working. Zegnat , how do I add instructions to make the setup easier for others?
# 10:48 vivus are there any h-card generators in the wild?
# 10:55 Zegnat I think veganstraightedge used to have a tool where people could create hcards. Don't have a link ready though.
# 10:56 Zegnat vivus pull requests are always welcomed, just work on the README if you want to improve documentation.
# 10:57 vivus Zegnat: there is no readme for the h2vx site
# 10:58 vivus I could create a CLI-tool for it. Zegnat do you have a link to the full list of properties for h-cards?
nitot joined the channel
# 12:12 Zegnat If you want to build vcards, it might be better to work back from vcard properties and finding out what microformats people are using to describe them.
rodolfojcj joined the channel
# 12:36 vivus Zegnat: for now, I am targeting building a mf2 generator for h-cards
# 12:37 vivus what programming languages are you familiar with? Zegnat
nitot, [pfefferle] and barpthewire joined the channel
# 13:59 Zegnat vivus, I work with the web, mainly JavaScript and PHP. Though I have worked a little with Ruby and C++.
# 13:59 vivus Zegnat: did you compose your h-card manually?
# 13:59 Zegnat I would look for a mf2 parser in whatever language you are using, and skip writing the parser yourself. If that is an option for you.
# 14:02 vivus Zegnat: maybe my language was unclear. I want to build an app that allows people to generate h-cards. None exist (from what I know)
# 14:02 vivus Unless you know of a strategy where I can hack a generator via a parser
# 14:03 Loqi [veganstraightedge] h-card-as-a-service
# 14:04 Zegnat That’s the project I was referring to earlier today. Just got home, so I was only now able to dig it up.
# 14:10 vivus awesome. you may have saved me enormous amounts of time :)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 14:30 vivus [kevinmarks]: are you chatting on a slack group?
# 14:36 vivus wait, that doesn't make sense. why would an indieweb use a slack group?
adactio joined the channel
# 14:38 sebsel I'm afraid this is not the right channel to discuss that, but it's just one way to join the discussion :)
# 14:38 vivus where should I discuss it? sebsel
# 14:39 vivus that channel is empty :)
# 14:40 sebsel without the question mark certainly not. I'm in it.
# 14:42 [kevinmarks] I use slack on my phone more because I don't have an irc bouncer set up.
TallTed, KevinMarks, Kevinmarks1 and tantek joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks, rodolfojcj and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 18:53 tantek Would it be helpful to have a navigable set of actual microformats in JSON like that?
# 18:54 aaronpk jsonld . com is blocked according to my list of blocked domains (malware)
# 18:57 tantek it's a WordPress site - so if there's malware it was likely planted externally
# 18:59 tantek I mean, that's from 2017-08-31 so who knows if that is out of date, but curious if you can find evidence of mal. I did a quick view source scan and didn't see anything (beyond WordPress 4.8.1 - which is the latest)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 19:02 tantek nor in the source! so they're not using JSONLD themselves
# 19:05 tantek oh weird, they're including it remotely via JS from github
# 19:06 tantek but they don't have any "application/ld+json" in the source of their own pages which is quite ironic.
rodolfojcj joined the channel
# 20:08 tantek oh? are those documented somewhere? like as a backcompat proposal?
# 20:14 tantek hey there's no backcompat section in the h-feed spec!
barpthewire joined the channel
# 20:15 tantek it's ok to start backcompat as minimal / sparse
# 20:15 tantek and then add "Proposed" for the stuff you've discovered
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 20:16 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding data in HTML.
# 20:16 tantek well that was odd Loqi - why show a link preview the second time and not the first?
# 20:18 tantek hmm - there shouldn't be a separate "Parsing" section there on h-feed
# 20:18 tantek that's an error. those kinds of extension should only be for backward compat
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 20:24 tantek ok KevinMarks, backcompat section stubbed very minimally with the content that was there - stub warnings etc.
# 20:27 [kevinmarks] Partly hAtom didn't specify anything at the hfeed level, which was a bit of an omission. Part of that is that Atom has the slightly odd inheritance model between feed and entry
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 20:29 tantek and we didn't manage to verify any of that odd inheritance with real world examples so we should ditch it by default
# 20:29 tantek until we find actual examples we can't solve any other way
# 20:31 tantek right, we separated it out to a specific algorithm, instead of making the format more complicate
# 20:32 [kevinmarks] Omitting title and subtitle at the feed level was a bit odd though. I don't remember how we got there
# 20:34 tantek conceptually or backcompat? we have p-name and p-summary
# 20:36 [kevinmarks] Backcompat. We fixed it in h-feed but hAtom had nothing top level except category
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 20:48 tantek ? that first edit. Good sign I should get/make (late) lunch.
# 20:48 tantek gRegorLove++ thanks for promptly noticing/fixing :)
# 20:48 Loqi gregorlove has 14 karma in this channel (181 overall)
KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
[cleverdevil], KartikPrabhu1 and globbot joined the channel