#microformats 2017-09-24

2017-09-24 UTC
sebsel joined the channel
Ha, that link. “I've no idea whether this is actually what HTML-based microformats typically look like” - yeah, that much was clear
Interesting read though
nitot and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I need to follow up on that, as I think GDPR and actual microformats could be a good fit.
I can definitely see value in giving consent through microformats, e.g. for me allowing people to parse my hcard. Will be interesting to see what you can come up with [kevinmarks]
GDPR says that the consent has to be recorded and understood by the person consenting, and an html representation of that seems a good fit.
davidmead, [grantcodes], [shurcool], tantek, KartikPrabhu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel