2017-09-30 UTC
tantek, nitot, [tantek], davidmead, [miklb], [eddie] and [ob] joined the channel
# 21:28 tantek see the rel registry for which specification which rel value is specified in
# 21:32 strugee tantek: would you have time to do a quick pass on the Specref PR when I submit it? you're more familiar than I am with the specs/process
# 21:33 tantek strugee - you don't me - you can verify directly ^^
# 21:35 tantek note the right-most column "Link to defining specification "
# 21:36 strugee I'll probably send some patches to all the SocialWG specs that need these too
# 21:38 strugee does that just mean "this is what the draft was when it became a living standard"?
# 21:42 tantek in practice a lot of the "draft" microformats, especially if older, are effectively frozen, like enough stuff has been built on top that they can't really change
# 21:45 strugee they should still be cited as Draft Standards though, yeah? until "upstream" is fixed?
# 21:46 tantek they're basically draft because no one has committed time/resources to create test suites, document results etc.
# 21:46 tantek "living standard" is the closest accurate summary though
# 21:48 strugee makes sense, but which should go in normative references?
# 21:50 tantek I guess I don't know what context you mean so it's not making much sense
# 21:50 tantek like what you're asking sounds abstract, so I would just put something generic like "standard" without indicating any status or anything else
# 21:51 strugee tantek: I'm adding entries to the Specref database so I don't know exactly where they'd be used, but places like the "Normative References" section of W3C documents, etc.
# 21:51 Loqi [strugee] #370 Add microformats2 specifications
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 22:16 Loqi [strugee] #395 Add microformats2 rel- entries
KartikPrabhu joined the channel