Zegnatsknebel and I had a bit of a thinking and can’t come up with any security risks. And if there are any security risks those apply to every other element as well, because I could put the JS code in a DIV and that will get parsed with class="p-anything" too.
ZegnatI think the original idea was to do innerText in such a way that displayed text only got recorded. E.g. if I had a <style scoped> within my h-entry, I probably don’t want the CSS blob in any of my properties, even if I put my property class on a direct parent of the STYLE element.
ZegnatIf I put the actual property on the SCRIPT or STYLE element though, I think there is no reason why the parser should then explicitly ignore that property. It should just apply innerText to those elements. And any hypothetical (that is HTML non-conforming) nested SCRIPT and STYLE should then be skipped, of course.
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ZegnatIf she had put the same JSON blob in a PRE with p-json-ld parsers would have picked it up. I know why we would be skipping SCRIPT and STYLE etc in an innerText implementation. But don't see a reason for skipping them if they are the container element
ZegnatThat's fine if the spec then gets a list of not-to-parse HTML elements. The spec doesn't, it is made to be forwards compatible with new html and parses classes on all elements.
ZegnatE.g. OBJECT (probably bad example) isn't skipped in any way. I could put a p- on that and it should work. But skipping SCRIPT is somehow different?
ZegnatNow that I have looked at stuff... My main point is that I don't like building exceptions for specific elements in the parsing spec. That's what it would be if we codify e.g. Go's current behaviour into the spec.
gRegorLove, nitot, tantek, nitot_, [miklb], vivus, [chrisaldrich] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
sknebelsince aaronpk just mentioned h-review: shouldn't http://microformats.org/wiki/h-review define "p-rating" as "a value between p-worst and p-best", not fixed 1-5? or am I misunderstanding what best and worst are for?