#microformats 2017-12-17
2017-12-17 UTC
gRegorLove, tantek, KartikPrabhu, [miklb], webchat8, [pfefferle], nitot, [mlopatka], [kevinmarks], tracya, ChanServ, webchat64 and [eddie] joined the channel; webchat8 and gadz00x left the channel
gRegorLove https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/11#issuecomment-352281134 I also noticed when I run just the hfeed element through php-mf2 it parses the entry-title and entry-content without an intervening hentry class

gRegorLove No, it shouldn't, in general. I don't think I've done much testing with hfeed in the (newer) backcompat in php-mf2 though.

gRegorLove But I did set up some tests for other mf1 properties inside mf2 (h-review, I think, aaronpk's examples) and ensured they weren't being upgraded.

chrisaldrich joined the channel
gRegorLove This test, for example: https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/blob/master/tests/Mf2/ClassicMicroformatsTest.php#L660

gRegorLove The assertions that follow that line

@ChrisAldrich @TracyAltheide Looks like maybe your microformats markup isn't quite right for use with Brid.gy publish I'm guessing? https://brid.gy/about#microformats (twitter.com/_/status/942505006518939648)
gRegorLove backcompat classes are usually on the mf2 root class pages like /h-entry

gRegorLove They're listed in php-mf2 and mf2py as well

gRegorLove Hmm, this hfeed example maybe isn't great.

gRegorLove Seems it should basically have an empty 'properties' in the parsed results.

gRegorLove Because "Imply properties only on explicit h-x class name root microformat element (no backcompat roots)"

Zegnat http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2#v2_vocabularies - seems to have the list per mf2 h-x root

gRegorLove Yeah, filing it currently

gRegorLove I think they're clear, e.g. http://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry#Backward_Compatibility

gRegorLove I used that and http://microformats.org/wiki/h-review#Backward_Compatibility with the php-mf2 backcompat upgrades.

Zegnat From http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing I can develop a complete parser, because vocab is not important for mf2. Except that it never tells me when I need to go into backcompat mode.

sknebel Zegnat: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2#v2_vocabularies I'd assume. I believe they cover mf1, thus there so no new ones relevant to backcompat appearing
gRegorLove Agreed, it would probably be better in the spec. Easier to keep up to date, too.

Zegnat alright, I think this is clear https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/13

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Loqi joined the channel
gRegorLove Fixing this hfeed example is going to be difficult. I think I ran into this during my backcompat upgrade and just punted on it. To do it properly, need to distinguish between mf1 properties being upgraded to mf2, and mf2 that was explicitly written inside an mf1 root.

gRegorLove If .hentry > .p-name is authored, I don't think it should be parsed

gRegorLove But .hentry > .entry-title, that should be upgraded to p-name and parsed as mf2

gRegorLove That's the specification, yes. php-mf2 doesn't handle the first example

gRegorLove I don't think it causes many problems, so it's kind of lower priority.

[pfefferle] joined the channel
gRegorLove Not sure where offhand, though probably some discussion in issues on http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues

Zegnat Only thing I found was http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2#backward_compatible - which was to support mf1 while work on mf2 was underway

gRegorLove It does seem to make upgrading to mf2 an easier process, something you can do piecemeal.

sknebel -issues has a few about backcompat, but all about other aspects. and http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues#mixture_of_microformats2_and_classic_microformats_classnames_on_different_elements, but that does not have any clear consequence, only a note that the specific wp issue can be fixed
gRegorLove WordPress themes being a big exception, though, since they didn't all seem to apply mf1 correctly.

gRegorLove Might have found an easy fix

gRegorLove parseH() has a flag indicating if it's in backcompat and there's an object of upgraded elements, so should be able to add some conditional checks

gRegorLove Woo, works with the hfeed example. Now let's see if it passes the rest of the tests :)

gRegorLove sknebel: I need to re-read #11. This is kind of related, but not sure it resolves that or not (in php-mf2)

gRegorLove Out of curiosity I took just the hfeed element from #11 to see how it parsed, then realized it wasn't correct.

gRegorLove I still think 1A for the first example in that issue

gRegorLove And yeah, 1A for the second example

gRegorLove Not opposed to that, but seems like a bit spec change. Not sure what all it would impact.

gRegorLove *big

gRegorLove One of the examples is under our control since it's indieweb, and the other seems to be a really messed up WP theme