Loqi[tantek] Restating for clarity, and adding children as another way to stop implying p-name
"p-name MUST NOT be implied if there are any explicit p-* properties or any nested microformats"
Loqi[tantek] Restating for clarity, and adding children as another way to stop implying p-name
"p-name MUST NOT be implied if there are any explicit p-* properties or any nested microformats"
Need consensus positive feedback from parser developers and one p...
tantekwhich seems to indicate that we thought we were done editing the spec according to the resolution of that issue, but obviously the edits were incomplete / unsaved or something else happened
tantekby the way, authoring consistency is a good reason to keep a spec internally consistent though, so for example, adding link[href] support to u-* requires also adding link[title] support to p-* parsing
tantekedited /microformats2-parsing (+63) "/* parse an element for properties */ actually incorporate 2015-01-20 resolution to link elements and u- parsing, equivalent link[title] for p-" (view diff)
ZegnatDo we then need to extend implied parsing with <link> too? E.g. <link class="h-card" title="Tantek" href="http://tantek.com">. Not sure why anyone would want to do that, but it is an option for <a> elements...
ZegnatYeah, XFN was one of the usecases that came to mind. But I personally have no plans using it in that way. Just doesn’t feel like a real valid use-case.
ZegnatWill file the issue. Will also add that I am personally ambivalent on the matter. Important to get it logged as a thing even if I am not pushing for a change :)
tantekZegnat, ok now that the parsing spec is updated consistent with that <link> resolution - want to try it in a parser and if it doesn't work file a bug on the parser like mf2py or php-mf2?
tantekZegnat, if you like, since I think this was all discussed / resolved befre you got here, you could review http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues for anything else might "surprise" you either in terms of expectations or what the spec does vs does not
ZegnatI might go through the issues and compare those that are “resolved” to the spec, this weekend, tantek. In case anything else didn’t make it for whatever reason :)
ZegnatIf anyone wants to test parsers, https://vanderven.se/martijn/big5.html has a rel-canonical that is also u-url. PHP parser on php.microformats.io definitely doesn’t pick it up.
tantek(easter-egg: you can hear me state I'm checking into dodgeball "let me send my dodgeball" at 00:25 and because I'm pretty sure I just txted "@FOWA" to the dodgeball SMS, I could/type it with one hand on my blackberry and put it right back in my pocket