2018-03-18 UTC
# 00:05 KartikPrabhu mf2py already adds elements to fudge the rel-category to p-category parsing
# 00:19 KartikPrabhu is that not equivalent to just replacing the "fn" class with "p-item h-item p-name" ?
# 00:20 KartikPrabhu or is it "fn" is parsed as a p-name but the resulting value goes into the p-item > h-item > p-name nested property?
# 00:44 Zegnat <span class="fn">Thing being reviewed</span> → <span class="p-item h-item"><span class="p-name">Thing being reviewed</span></span>
# 00:45 tantek KartikPrabhu: note that class names are unordered in a class attribute
# 00:45 tantek therefore your example of "p-item h-item p-name" is identical in meaning to "p-item p-name h-item"
# 00:46 KartikPrabhu tantek: would be great if backcompats had examples of expected output
# 00:47 KartikPrabhu tantek: Zegnat: however multiple properties "fn" and "url" all map to the same "h-item" right?
# 00:47 tantek KartikPrabhu: TBH a lot of that is for backward compat with very old examples
# 00:48 tantek so it is likely worth re-researching actual usage
# 00:48 KartikPrabhu ok hreview is the only very complicated one so would be good to simplify it
# 00:49 Zegnat Hard to say without looking at old usage, KartikPrabhu. If there is presedence for multiple fn’s meaning multiple items, then no. But I would think multiple items just hard require the `item` class to have been used in the mf1.
# 00:49 KartikPrabhu for example what happens to <span class="fn">Thing being reviewed</span> <a class="url" href="example.com">URL</a> ?
# 00:49 Zegnat So probably safe to put all fn and url that are direct descendents of the hreview on the same item
# 00:50 tantek hReview both in theory and practice only allowed one item
# 00:51 gRegorLove KartikPrabhu, did you find this bug via the test cases, or some real hreview example?
# 00:51 tantek my guess is that most / many hReview in the wild are going to be from that WordPress plugin that gets tweeted like mad
# 00:51 Zegnat Have to leave too, soon to be 2am and my bed is calling
# 00:52 KartikPrabhu gRegorLove: writing the backcompat-rules. I am much more happy if real examples actually simplify this
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# 01:00 gRegorLove I *think* we can remove fn, photo, and url from that compatibility section, leaving the item.fn, item.photo, and item.url properties.
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# 01:23 tantek gRegorLove: there's mostly hReview 0.3 out there (published) which had direct uses of fn url photo
# 01:24 tantek hence why I suggested you check real world examples before attempting to simplify or otherwise re-write / update any of the backcompat
# 01:24 tantek at this point, who knows how real world examples have aged, and they should be the source of informing what we need backcompat for
# 01:24 gRegorLove I hadn't noticed the version numbers on them previously. Interesting.
# 01:24 tantek we don't need to invent new simplified backcompat for anyone because no one will *start* publishing backcompat
# 01:25 tantek the only backcompat we need for hReview is the minimum necessary to capture actual real world examples
# 01:25 tantek so before you propose removing / adding / changing anything - check actual published examples
# 01:27 tantek yeah, go ahead and unlink (with <nowiki>) any dead examples and move them to a "Historical Examples" section
# 01:28 tantek they were all valid as of when they were added
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# 02:05 gRegorLove Oh yeah, we're going to need to do something about the ReCAPTCHA version on the wiki. v1 API shuts down March 31.
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# 16:15 Loqi [kartikprabhu] Proposal for properties that need to be nested in other things for backcompat maybe use the following example from `hreview["url"]`
## old format
"url": [
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# 18:52 gRegorLove KartikPrabhu: tantek is suggesting we verify there's current examples of hreview published that way (without the 'item' intervening). If not, we probably don't need to worry about it.
[eddie] joined the channel
# 20:17 KartikPrabhu gRegorLove: awesome! let me know what you find and I can update the backcompat-rules accordingly
[kevinmarks], KartikPrabhu, [cleverdevil] and Stickers666 joined the channel