2018-03-21 UTC
tantek joined the channel
[eddie], ben_thatmustbeme, [miklb], [kevinmarks] and tantek joined the channel
# 02:45 aaronpk wow, i have never seen "microformat" used in the singular
# 04:22 tantek looking now for the blog posts that mention many things
# 04:30 Loqi [Eli Mellen] A year with the IndieWeb
KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
# 06:21 tantek if that looks good, I'll leave it to the issue filers to confirm that reflects their need and the issue resolution, and close the individual issues accordingly
# 06:25 tantek so that spec language also only allows one vendor prefix
# 06:25 tantek all of which is parenthetical inside *an optional vendor prefix*
# 06:26 tantek so not sure how you can misread that as "1+ vendor prefixes"
gRegorLove and [unoabraham] joined the channel
# 06:57 Zegnat Ah did stuff get resolved?! Can't wait to review!
# 07:00 Zegnat As soon as my morning tea is at my side. Having a hard time getting started today
# 07:04 tantek you have a few minutes to review the spec edits before I go to sleep :)
# 07:09 Zegnat I should get a bedside computer to check things. Almost on GitHub now. Tea in hand.
# 07:16 Zegnat Is there a reason we keep source order for rels?
# 07:18 Zegnat unless “unioning” sets somehow changes order, yes
# 07:18 Zegnat “set the value of that "rels" key to an array of all unique items in the set of rel values unioned with the current array value of the "rels" key”
# 07:18 Zegnat That does keep them in source order by my reading
nitot joined the channel
# 07:22 Zegnat that’s deceptive, because HTML parsers stick to source order for sets. Also as we said, we can’t have unordered output as all JSON output is ordered.
# 07:22 tantek the array of URLs for a rel is deliberately ordered yes because each of those is from a different element, which has document source order semantics
# 07:23 Zegnat Yes, but I am talking about the `rels`array, which only contains the rel values per URL, tantek
# 07:24 Zegnat Surely <a href="#" rel="me bookmark"></a> and <a href="#" rel="bookmark me"></a> should result in the same thing?
# 07:24 Zegnat Currently those two things parse differently, I believe
# 07:25 Zegnat because the array in ["rel-urls"]["#"]["rels"] will keep source order
# 07:25 Zegnat So the first will be ["me", "bookmark"], and the second ["bookmark", "me"].
# 07:25 KartikPrabhu but <a rel="bookmark" href="example"> <a rel="me" href="example"> is different from the reverse doc order
# 07:26 tantek ah I see the detail you're referring to I think
# 07:26 KartikPrabhu first one gives a ['bookmark', 'me'] while the second gives reverse order
# 07:26 Zegnat It isn’t in the rels array ... the rels array (nested under "example") should only tell you what relation that URL has to the current doc
# 07:26 tantek KartikPrabhu: in that case the order doesn't matter
# 07:26 Zegnat and that relation doesn’t change with multiple A elements spread throughout the source
# 07:26 Zegnat That’s why my issue was about the type *and* rels array
# 07:27 tantek just the last step of rel parsing needs a minor adjustment
# 07:27 tantek Zegnat, remind me issue # rather than "my issue"? you filed a few :)
# 07:27 Zegnat And there is only one rels array, specifically ["rel-urls"][$url]["rels"]. I am not talking about all arrays that have to do with rel parsing
# 07:27 Loqi [Zegnat] #29 Define the order of items any time an array is used in the parsed output.
# 07:28 Zegnat yep, last step of rel parsing unions all sets together, but it never specifies an order for the resulting array (and we need order because JSON)
# 07:29 Zegnat Otherwise, change for vendor prefix support looks good, alphabetical sorting change on types looks good too
# 07:32 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] microformats2 parsing specification
# 07:33 Loqi tantek has 14 karma in this channel (425 overall)
# 07:33 Loqi kartikprabhu has 19 karma in this channel (186 overall)
# 07:33 Loqi gregorlove has 25 karma in this channel (225 overall)
# 07:33 Zegnat Thanks for all the quick iterating! Now I can finally *close* some issues instead of just opening them :D
# 07:33 tantek hopefully that enables new releases of parsers? or are we still waiting on spec issues for parser releases?
# 07:34 tantek I know the vendor prefix one was affecting aaronpk
# 07:34 KartikPrabhu mf2py release is currently stuck on ownership on the python package thing
# 07:38 Loqi [gRegorLove] #28 Allow numbers in vendor prefixes
# 07:38 Zegnat should petition for access to the parsing repo
# 07:39 tantek I'll leave it to gRegorLove if he's satisfied :)
# 07:40 Zegnat All the others have now been closed with links to the spec updates
gomarota, [pfefferle], [unoabraham], nitot, nitot_, [kevinmarks] and webchat129 joined the channel; webchat129 left the channel
barpthewire, Garbee and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 13:00 [kevinmarks] Html5lib has a "sort attributes" option - they are normally in arbitrary order. Not sure about spaces separated values in attributes
[adamrice] joined the channel
# 13:05 Zegnat html5lib is right to stick to source order, that’s what WHATWG defines for most of these things.
# 13:23 Zegnat Hahahaha, that was the best recaptcha I ever had to do
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 14:08 [kevinmarks] if you parse with html5lib and output html again, the attributes will likely change order
# 14:17 Zegnat [kevinmarks], hmm, that sounds almost like a bug. I seem to recall the HTML parsing algo specifically keeping source order when converting to the DOM tree against that
nitot, [cb], [pfefferle], [adamrice], chrisaldrich, [chrisaldrich], [eddie], tantek, KartikPrabhu and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 16:34 Zegnat Note that I was able to edit by writing the shutdown text in the field.
# 16:34 Zegnat If that stays the same, bots will just always enter that and you will have no protection from the captcha
# 16:36 Zegnat Oh. “Any calls to the v1 API will not work after March 31, 2018.” So I guess it isn’t going to allow anything to go through anymore?
# 16:37 Zegnat Or does it also trigger if there are external links on the page you want to edit?
# 16:38 Zegnat Alright. I guess the spam reverts I do count as new links because they aren’t in the latest version of the page
[cleverdevil], tantek and [adamrice] joined the channel
# 17:52 gRegorLove aaronpk, Did you change your vendor prefix to "pk"? Any URLs with "p3k" examples?
# 17:55 aaronpk I changed them to pk- because I couldn't parse my own site!
# 17:55 aaronpk I'll change them back once the parser is updated and released tho
# 17:55 gRegorLove Understood, just checking if there was an example I could put in the issue. I'm working on the fix for php-mf2 :)
# 17:57 aaronpk you could use a web.archive.org link from one of those pages 😂
tantek joined the channel
# 18:19 gRegorLove Issues filed for php-mf2. Will work on vendor prefix PR later today.
# 18:19 Loqi gregorlove has 26 karma in this channel (226 overall)
# 18:24 Loqi [Zegnat] #29 Define the order of items any time an array is used in the parsed output.
# 18:25 Zegnat gRegorLove, not for type, I think, that’s always alphabetical in php-mf2. I am actually not sure about rel.
# 18:26 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] microformats2 parsing specification
# 18:28 KartikPrabhu see my example test above which has rel="boodongle alternate boodongle" that should give ['alternate', 'boodongle'] as output
# 18:29 Zegnat Putting that same HTML in the Python dev one, the union is right, but rels aren’t alphabetically sorted either
# 18:30 KartikPrabhu aah I see. I am doing sorting only on each element, but this one is global will fix
# 18:30 gRegorLove "set the value of that "rels" key to an array of all unique items in the set of rel values unioned with the current array value of the "rels" key, sorted alphabetically.
# 18:31 KartikPrabhu gRegorLove: read that as rels-urls > someurl > rels is the sorted one
# 18:32 KartikPrabhu then that output is correct the URLs are not to be sorted only the rel keys
# 18:34 Zegnat Yes, looks like that HTML gets parsed completely correct gRegorLove
# 18:34 Zegnat and yes KartikPrabhu, it is a sort after union :)
# 18:35 Zegnat Feel free to use that snippet of HTML as a test. Should test both sorting and unioning.
# 18:38 Zegnat Should create: "rel-urls": { "#": { "rels": [ "archived", "bookmark", "me" ] } }
# 18:40 gRegorLove Ok, my confusion here is because I'm talking about the `rels` at the same level as `items` in the parse, not rel-urls > rels
# 18:52 Zegnat All the orders there should be in source order. If the spec says otherwise that needs an issue. My sorting issue was only about rel-urls > rels
# 18:55 Zegnat You are talking about step 4.2, where you should just “add url to the array” (to the end is implied).
# 18:55 Zegnat Sorting alphabetically only applies on step 9
# 18:57 Zegnat Everything after step 5 is about rel-urls and its properties
# 18:59 Zegnat I had to read it multiple times to catch on to that too. Maybe we can figure out a better way to write the rel parsing algo
# 18:59 gRegorLove I must have understood it at some point since I worked on rel-urls in phpmf2, haha
[kevinmarks], [eddie], [miklb], [cleverdevil], [pfefferle], wolf and tantek joined the channel
# 22:00 KartikPrabhu ok mf2py experimental should be updated with ordering the rel-urls > rels
# 22:04 KartikPrabhu needs to optimise that a lot of sorting is going on in the middle steps
[miklb], webchat140 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel; webchat140 left the channel
[unoabraham] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel