#aaronpkwow, i have never seen "microformat" used in the singular
#@overcaffeinated@RodBegbie@waferbaby ... at about this time there was a lot of noise about microformats *replacing* RSS! Ohboy we all had a good laugh about that! As Tantek would say: these ideas are not contrary to each other! Fun times. But then came Atom, and don’t get me started!... (twitter.com/_/status/976303007087259649)
#tantekedited /microformats2-parsing (+155) "edits which complete resolution of issues #31, #30, #29, #28. consensus on all including 2+ implementers, and each have been prototyped in mf2py" (view diff)
#tantekif that looks good, I'll leave it to the issue filers to confirm that reflects their need and the issue resolution, and close the individual issues accordingly
#Zegnat“set the value of that "rels" key to an array of all unique items in the set of rel values unioned with the current array value of the "rels" key”
#Zegnatthat’s deceptive, because HTML parsers stick to source order for sets. Also as we said, we can’t have unordered output as all JSON output is ordered.
#tantekthe array of URLs for a rel is deliberately ordered yes because each of those is from a different element, which has document source order semantics
#Zegnatyep, last step of rel parsing unions all sets together, but it never specifies an order for the resulting array (and we need order because JSON)
#ZegnatOtherwise, change for vendor prefix support looks good, alphabetical sorting change on types looks good too
#tantekedited /microformats2-parsing (+24) "rels array for a particular URL should also be sorted alphabetically to remove any artificial ordering, part of issue #29" (view diff)
#[kevinmarks]if you parse with html5lib and output html again, the attributes will likely change order
#Zegnat[kevinmarks], hmm, that sounds almost like a bug. I seem to recall the HTML parsing algo specifically keeping source order when converting to the DOM tree against that
#KartikPrabhusee my example test above which has rel="boodongle alternate boodongle" that should give ['alternate', 'boodongle'] as output
#ZegnatgRegorLove, when I look at ["rel-urls"]["#"]["rels"] there it is neither alphabetically sorted, nor is it the union of all rels for that URL ("me" is missing) - http://pin13.net/mf2/?id=20180321182735137
#ZegnatPutting that same HTML in the Python dev one, the union is right, but rels aren’t alphabetically sorted either
#gRegorLoveHang on, only looking at `rels` for the moment.
#gRegorLove"set the value of that "rels" key to an array of all unique items in the set of rel values unioned with the current array value of the "rels" key, sorted alphabetically.