tantekaaronpk, since microformats2 started as a brainstorm, and then got incrementally formalized, there's a dividing section between the top of the page (more formal) and the original brainstorming: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2#About_This_Brainstorm (note that VENDOR_EXTENSIONS is below that on that page)
tantekcreated /microformats2-origins (+23268) "move origins brainstorming and background from the main microformats2 page to reduce confusion" (view diff)
@rahelab↩️ I want a site that uses microformats and easy RSS or API so that I can import my speaking (history and future) into a single place. So far, no joy. (twitter.com/_/status/981245280887758850)
tantekwith kevinmarks's generic sounding -scheme- vendor prefix, and I thought I saw somewhere a -swarm- prefix, it may be worth making it more obvious when things are vendor-specific
ZegnatI was just asking about the page because we never refer to things with a leading dash. E.g. we do not say -author. Either *-author or just author is what we usually use. So the -p3k- stood out to me.
aaronpkI will say, I didn't actually intend to use "swarm" as a vendor prefix for that example, I was just writing a property that was descriptive of what it was, and it happens to follow the vendor prefix conventions too
ZegnatI'd say don't change things and let property names (with or without prefixes) grow naturally. If a need arises for starting dashes, we'll tackle it then.
tantekthat's another good reason actually, web developers are used to seeing and recognizing leading -* names as vendor prefixes like -webkit-appearance
aaronpkis swarm really a vendor prefix in that example though? I thought vendor prefixes were for producers and consumers to add data that no other systems are expected to consume
ZegnatThey already show their prefix, KartikPrabhu. It is whether they should be set apart from non-redirecting properties by having them start with a dash.
ZegnatI am going to sleep on this as I'm already in bed. My first thought is that with mf2 being very generic and people being encouraged to experiment with new properties I wouldn't expect extra punctuation marks to be something people will start to use.
Loqi[[manton]] [aaronpk] I'm surprised I've never run into this, but is there a prefix convention in Micropub for custom fields in JSON that are likely server/client-specific and not really proposals for broader support? In q=config for example, I was considering a...
gRegorLoveI could see it being a problem if Swarm themselves started using p-swarm-coins for something official and thus it conflicts with aaronpk's non-vendor-prefix use of it.
tantekKartikPrabhu: huh? CSS exactly added the extra "-" after it was clear that no "-" extensions like "ms-" were easily mixed up with other properties
tantekthe problem of using them like normal properties happened not because of syntax, but because Apple came out with so much new functionality with -webkit- that people felt compelled to (and CSSWG took too long to standardize them)
tantekyes we are pre-empting the potential take-off of vendor-prefixes that are confusingly named like real standardized properties, especially in JSON output / interop
tantekwhile CSS is not microformats, it is similar enough to be worth conservatively erring on the side of re-use of the CSS -vendor- syntax rather than assuming our own "vendor-" is good enough (since they also experimented with that)