#microformats 2018-04-07

2018-04-07 UTC
bear, KartikPrabhu, [miklb], webchat178, reidab_, tantek and barpthewire joined the channel
↩️ Didn't realise Tantek 'yeah I realised early on that microformats were a dead end so why are other people still banging on about them 10 years later?' Celik was one of the originators.
↩️ Microformats are still going well 15 years later. What was your alternative at the time?
webchat178 and l3eta joined the channel
↩️ Microformats were a classic example of skiptech - other, easier, ways of achieving the same ends emerged before they achieved mass penetration beyond niche users. But the alternative at the time was the X in XHTML, which also never achieved mass penetration.
[jgmac1106], webchat178, [miklb], aniruddh and barpthewire joined the channel
fbz joined the channel
Using Microformats (O'Reilly Media, Inc./O'Reilly Network) http://dlvr.it/QNmnDl
tantek, KartikPrabhu, [snarfed], [miklb], kaushalmodi and j12t joined the channel
I have been building the next few features of the microsub server. It now can fetch (and perhaps) subscribe to feeds in other types then microformats. Now it also subscribes to RSS, Atom and JSON feed. https://p83.nl/p/494
j12t joined the channel