#microformats 2018-04-09

2018-04-09 UTC
tantek, j12t_, [snarfed], KartikPrabhu, ben_thatmustbeme, barpthewire, [kevinmarks], [pfefferle], [unoabraham] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Web + SEO friends: is http://schema.org markup still relevant? (And are microformats still a thing?) Bonus points for articles and/or examples in the wild. Thanks!
↩️ My experience is microformats add too much friction to markup, copy changes, template & style refactorings. The last couple projects I worked on switched to https://json-ld.org We saw negative search engine impact with malformed microformats, so I think they still work.
↩️ Oh, JSON+LD is recommended by Google over microformats. I don’t have the link handy and am on the phone, but that was one of the levers I was able to use to convince our team to make the switch.
↩️ microformats are still a thing - the microformats2 revision simplified them, and they are being used as part of the #indieweb cross-site communication with webmentions etc. https://indieweb.org/posts#Types_of_Posts - I compared with schema before http://www.kevinmarks.com/microformatschema.html
[pfefferle] joined the channel
↩️ the complexity of schema structures and the verbosity of microdata does impose a lot of overhead on your HTML templates, so if you are doing the full schema stuff, JSON-LD is safer; microformats2 is a lot simpler.
[pfefferle] and tantek_ joined the channel
kevinmarks++ for kind and useful responses ^^^
kevinmarks has 7 karma in this channel (304 overall)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
kaushalmodi has 1 karma in this channel (2 overall)
[@kaushalmodi] @danmall Examples in wild: Check for h-feed, h-entry, h-card, etc. on https://scripter.co.
i should do a less snarky version of the silos as dead malls post
it is probable
I tend to wonder if such subjects are documented best dryly, or with some variant of humor
Perhaps both?
at different times. Maybe initially dryly just to get someting "just the facts" / neutral out there
and then later use that as a way to make something more humorous
m'colleagues at Catapult were asking about metadata stuff for their website, so I can do it as a version for them.
recent question from a couple of colleagues of mine too:
G+ uses OGP unless a very specific bit of schema is there.
Kevinmarks, thread, feel free to weigh in say I asked you to :) https://twitter.com/gordonbrander/status/983064625557090304
[@gordonbrander] Friends! I am looking for old articles on "Metacrap" as a failure mode. IIRC, this principle was in play during HTML5 design discussions ~2010 btw @Hixie, @t and others? https://people.well.com/user/doctorow/metacrap.htm
↩️ @danbri @brucel @danmall a lot of JSON-LD and less microformats, it seems.
[davidmead] joined the channel
↩️ @danbri @brucel @danmall "And are microformats still a thing?" TL;DR > No.
I guess if you're an SEO person that is true
someone should write a blog post "There's more to Microformats than SEO"
also, if you're optimising for social, ogp is more important than schema. But everyone falls back on meta description
the mastodon mf2 seems to have drifted a bit - why is the ugly url in the plaintext name of the mf2? https://mastodon.social/@kevinmarks/99801691700756768
[Kevin Marks] @Gargron @0x1C3B00DA yes they do - there is a pattern of citation of blog URLs to refer to the blogger that goes back to the dawn of blogs - it's a very natural thing to do I wrote about this about 10 years ago: http://epeus.blogspot.co.uk/2008/01/ur...
oh, right that is his name
never mind, it's an annoying person error
[jgmac1106], webchat178, [kevinmarks], KartikPrabhu, fdfsd, [cleverdevil], barpthewire, [snarfed], [davidmead], tantek_ and kaushalmodi joined the channel; webchat178 left the channel
likely an obscure nerd reference to a memory address that means something on some (old?) system
aaronpk, indeed. ignore the SEO troll. it's quite nice actually that the "SEO community" have move away from uf to whatever other meta-du-jour they prefer to spam
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ In the end I did not go this route. I instead used the hCard microformat. Are people still using microformats? http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard
Darn, not logged into Twitter atm. Someone should probably reply and tell them about h-card ^^^
webchat178 joined the channel
↩️ Yep, microformats are alive and well; used a lot in the #indieweb community. If you’re adding them to new content, I’d recommend checking out microformats2 h-card. Easier markup and parsers are backwards compatible. http://microformats.org/wiki/h-card
gRegorLove++ for the outreach!
gregorlove has 28 karma in this channel (229 overall)
[kevinmarks], tantek_ and [snarfed] joined the channel