#microformats 2018-05-01

2018-05-01 UTC
[jgmac1106], [unoabraham], [kevinmarks], [snarfed], [tantek], [John], chrisaldrich, [chrisaldrich], tantek, KartikPrabhu, webchat221, [jeremycherfas], kaushalmodi, TallTed, [miklb], webchat254, [schmarty], [jonathanprozzi], [Thom_M], [eddie], webchat75, webchat75_, vivus, [colinwalker] and [ryan339] joined the channel; webchat254, webchat75 and webchat75_ left the channel
edited /h-entry (+680) "editorial informative note about purpose of an entry vs its content, properties about its content, id for u-video, informative note about more properties. thanks skippy, miklb for feedback!"
(view diff)
barpthewire, tantek, [cleverdevil], [manton] and [Thom_M] joined the channel